The Forbidden Fruit
Watercolor on a 10cm x 10cm piece of wood pulp paper
Clonazepam, a common generic for Klonopin, is a drug used to manage severe manic episodes in individuals with bipolar disorder. The medication can ease anxiety and cause drowsiness, allowing manic individuals to rest. As someone with diagnosed bipolar disorder, Clonazepam gave me great relief in a time where I felt I was unable to catch a break.
I was prescribed Clonazepam during the manic episode that led to my diagnosis. While it took time for the other medications to work, Clonazepam was what brought me rest and minimal relief.
However, it took quite some time for me to feel as if the other medications I was taking for bipolar to work and bring me out of the manic episode. During that time I felt frustration that the only thing that made me feel better was the nighttime during which I would take Clonazepam to help me sleep due to its drowsing properties.
This immense frustration occasionally led me to feel as if my only escape was the Clonazepam.
This piece illustrates the craving for peace that an individual struggling with a prolonged manic episode may feel. A craving for rest that can be satiated by a drug is encouraged by the snake of ones mind, as during manic episodes individuals are more inclined to abuse substances that bring relief. This piece represents my resistance to the uncharacteristic desire to make impulsive decisions brought upon me due to my frustration.